Pet Supplies

Fun Games to Play with Your Dog or Cat

Day-1: Charlie was angry with Mrs. Olivia as she came late that day. So that 4 years old dog silently sat on the sofa. Mrs. Olivia put the food in the food bowl and stood before Charlie. She just told ‘It was a busy day honey, eat now pleeeessssss……” And seriously, Charlie came down and started eating!Story-2: Mrs. Olivia gets back home and saw her dog Charlie drinking water from the fountain. Olivia hit upon a plan to hide herself. But she couldn’t because Charlie had been so smart by then that he understood Lucy was at home! Yeah right. We don’t know Olivia or Charlie! But these are the common everyday stories of thousands of lovely pet parents and their cute pets. Sounds uncommon?The interesting part of pet training is that it works at a time so efficiently that it develops the communication skills and emotional attachment of pets to their pet parents.And the pet games act noticeably in that case.

How Important It Is to Play with Pets at Home?

Sometimes you think your pet should go through some playful moments which you sponsor. But it’s hard to reach their level of understanding, especially when you just have started. Fun games enhance the communication power, give entertainment, and help in the natural growth of your dog or cat. It’s not hard at all to play with your pet if you can choose the games which can make them engage.

Games to Play with Your Dog

Dogs can hardly make enjoyable moments without their pet parents. They enjoy the most when you are near them. Your presence is enough for them but it’s more entertaining for them when you join them in playing. There are some interesting games that you can play with equal effort to your pet dog.

Hide and Seek

hide-and-seekHide and seek with a dog is a game of total joy. It raises the problem-solving capability of your dog and increases attention.  Steps:
  1. Show a treat or favorite toy to your dog
  2. Hide yourself or the treat/toy 
  3. Call your dog’s name and give hints with sounds
  4. Show yourself extra surprised when they find you
  5. Enjoy

Catch Me If You Can

It’s an amazing game to play with your dog as you can extend or lessen the time of the game. This game needs a wide area so that you and your dog can move around easily. Though both of you and your pet will equally participate in this game, you will control it more. You can have a toy in your hand, which is always immensely appealing to your dog.catch-me-if-you-can

Throw and Fetch

throw-and-fetchThis game is pretty interesting if your dog understands the whole process. It makes them chase and retrieve things and play games repeatedly. You will need to train your dog to bring the ball to you and release it from mouth on command.Steps:
  1. Take a ball and show it to your dog
  2. Throw the ball a little far from your dog
  3. Command your doggie to grip the ball by mouth
  4. Say your dog  to take it back to you
  5. Take the ball from your dog and start from the beginning
  6. Enjoy

Flirt Pole

Flirt-PoleIt’s an easy-peasy way to make some mesmerizing moments with your dog. All you need is to tie an enticing treat into the last line of a fishing pole and move it around your dog. The dog will do the rest. Make sure your dog is not excessively tired or jumping continually.Steps:
  1. Stuff a toy at the end of the fishing pole line
  2. Start moving it all around right after your dog pays attention
  3. Let your dog try chasing it and run after it
  4. Stop and let your dog catch the toy after a few moments
  5. Happily take the toy from your dog or command to drop it (if you have trained earlier to drop on command)
  6. Start over from the first step again
  7. Enjoy

The Frisbee 

This American pet game has variations in name and playing formula and it’s one of the most famous pet games worldwide. It’s much more interesting and exciting for both dogs and the pet owners. You must know that you need to make your dog well-trained before you start that.Steps:
  1. Take a Frisbee disc and show your dog while standing at a distance
  2. Throw it a little higher from your dog’s head but somewhere reachable
  3. Your dog will jump and catch the disc in air and will take to you
  4. Throw the disc repeatedly
  5. Enjoy

Games to Play with Your Cat

Cats like playing to win something. They don’t need a large area for playing. As you know, cats are one of the most attentive pets while playing; they can easily understand the goals of a game.

The Prey Sequence

This game gets you the scope to see the focus of your cat’s eyes. This game comes with four steps that you find your cat will do: staring, stalking, pouncing, and the killing bit. All you need to do first is to arrange a prey in your control that you can move easily.Steps:
  1. Tie the prey in a medium-sized stick which you can move easily
  2. Hold the prey visibly and wait until the cat pays attention
  3. When your cat has stalked it precisely, start moving it back and forth, and up and down
  4. Try to hide it somewhere your cat can reach
  5. Let your cat reach it after a while
  6. Help the cat to mark it as a reward
  7. Enjoy

Hunting Games

hunting-gamesThis can vary according to the age of your cat. Anyway, cats love hunting in their own style. They take it more seriously than a game. And once they start hunting something, they are always excited to finish it. You can just play it using a ball without hurting any living animals.
  1. Take a colourful ball that excites your cat to hunt
  2. Stand in the opposite direction facing toward your cat
  3. Keep showing the ball in a tricky way to your cat until getting full attention
  4. Suddenly throw the ball to your cat’s reach with a drop (a little higher)
  5. Let the cat pounce and catch the ball
  6. Enjoy

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